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Board Member Vacancy



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there is a vacancy on the
Board of Directors of the Cobb Area County Water District
due to a resignation of a Director. Interested registered
voters residing within the Cobb Area County Water District
are encouraged to submit an application for the District
Board’s consideration for an appointment to fill the
vacancy on the Water District’s Board of Directors.

The appointed Director will serve on the Board of Directors until
December, 2026. The appointee will be asked to file candidacy papers
to fill the remainder of the 4-year unexpired term of office at the next
General District Election onTuesday November 4, 2028.

Applicants are advised to contact staff at the Cobb Area County Water
District for further details by phoning the District Office at 707/928-
5262 or by email:
cal@cobbareawater.com OR ben@cobbareawater.com

Regular District Board of Director Meetings are held on the 2nd
Wednesday of each month at 1:00 pm. The District Board of Directors
will appoint a new Director to fill the vacancy on the Board of Directors
at the Cobb Area County Water District’s April 9, 2025 meeting.

▶Please be aware that it is of the utmost importance that a full
Board of Directors be maintained, if you are interested in
applying please do so.◀

Thank you,
California Howland
District Secretary